Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I am feeling extremely virtuous having put phase 1 of The Return in  place by going to a 1-hour Zumba class.

I managed to keep up with the class for the entire hour!

The teacher  commented that she saw me smiling so she knew I was having fun .... little did she know that as I wiped the sweat out of my eyes and my sight returned I was able to read the sign in multicoloured letters out the front of the hall.... it said


I couldn't have put it better myself.

This is one of the numbers we do and this is what I look like ....  not (but watch this space!)

The Common Shrew: The Return... no more worms. Now where was I?

Yes, Dear Reader, the Shrew has returned!

She  has fought bravely back, through rain (leaking roof) and shine (skin cancer), dog attacks and domestic insanity, with all its attendant insomnia and penury, not to mention the compensatory consumption of kilos of The Shingle Inn's excellent White Christmas.

But now be warned!