Friday, June 19, 2009

The Musical Saw: No. 5 in an occasional series entitled 'Harmless Hobbies for Mad Old Bags'.

Ladies, want to while away the time in mellifluous bliss? Look no further!

Rub that resin! 'Amaze your friends'! If it was Good Enough for Dietrich,
(and we all know how versatile she was ....) it's good enough for us


Saw Lady said...

If you're into the musical saw... come to the 7th annual NYC Musical Saw Festival, where a Guinness World Record attempt for the 'Largest Musical Saw Ensemble' will be held.

Incidentally, as part of the festival's concert there will be a tribute to Marlene Dietrich, too.

drongo said...

Thanks for dropping in, 'Saw Lady' I'm honoured to have such a famous visitor.

I loved exploring your blog and hearing your music! It seems like you warm hearts wherever you travel.

Here's something for your collection box ❀