OK I''ll admit it, the previous post was so premature as to risk seeming malicious.
Blame the sea of earlier-than-ever pre-Christmas hype in which I am sinking.
In an effort to atone I offer the following cartoon as an antidote:
( a simple click will render it visible, dear reader)
You may see more of the like wit at the Patented Wondermark

Blame the sea of earlier-than-ever pre-Christmas hype in which I am sinking.
In an effort to atone I offer the following cartoon as an antidote:
( a simple click will render it visible, dear reader)
You may see more of the like wit at the Patented Wondermark

A fine comic strip!
Indeed and plenty more where that came from at the wonderful Wondermark (http://wondermark.com/)
she said, thus cunningly and economically combining veracity with sycophancy ...
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