Friday, December 5, 2008

Grumpy Grannie grinds her teeth

Dental Neglect a scandal in Australian Nursing Homes

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard says the Government will make sure that reports of dental health neglect in nursing homes are investigated. (From ABC News online - see link below)

When facilities like nursing homes ( and childcare centres too but don't get me started on that !) became investments for big business like insurance companies, retailers etc instead of being run by people who had some interest and expertise in the actual field - and wash my mouth out for mentioning compassion - then the almighty dollar dictated stingy staff hours, minimal qualifications poor care, less interest and cruel games: "what no fresh fruit to eat? - I'm sure it was on the table when the visitors were here" etc etc

Anyone who has ever been inside a nursing home in any capacity can tell a swag of similar stories.

Let's start telling all of these stories out loud instead of sharing shocked whispers.

Good on you Dr Rogers.

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