Monday, May 18, 2009

Microfleece Madonna Manifests at Dish-licker Day out

This captivating creature was captured on film by Murphy's Dad
as she worked the crowd at a recent greyhound adoption promotion.
You can see more hounds at Murphy's Law : greeting camels, patiently
being mauled by babies and living up to their reputation
as intelligent, peaceful and gentle dogs.

If all this gives you hound-envy and you want one of your own
to adore in a way that will probably make both of you
end up looking ridiculous, see the information-rich
Greyhound Adoption Programme of Queensland site,
or contact the greyhound adoption organisation where you live,
and give one of these gentle and affectionate dogs a good home.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tatting: No. 4 in an occasional series entitled 'Harmless Hobbies for Mad Old Bags'.

The position of the little finger marks this pursuit as suitable for Ladies.
You don't have to be born in the USA for this one, but apparently it helps
as the source of the instruction sheet:-
and this:-
(from which the following illustration is taken),
demonstrate ...

Y'all have a fine time now!